Classroom vocab

TOPIC                                   Objects of classroom.

Basic vocabulary
  • Pupitre                                Desk
  • Silla                                    Chair
  • Pizarra                               Blackboard
  • Reloj                                   Clock
  • Alfombra de foam            Paviplay
  • Lápiz                                  Pencil
  • Bolígrafo                            Pen
  • Cuaderno                           Notebook
  • Carpeta                               Folder
  • Goma de borrar                 Rubber (BrE) Eraser (Am)
  • Sacapuntas                        Sharpener
  • Ceras                                  Crayons
  • Lápices de colores            Colour pencils
  • Témperas                           Tempera
  • Acuarelas                           Watercolours
  • Pincel                                  Paintbrush
  • Papel celofán                     Tape
  • Cartulina                            Cardboard
  • Dibujo                                 Drawing
  • Pegamento                         Glue
  • Gomets                               Stickers
  • Tijeras                                 Scissors


  • Dibujar                              Draw
  • Cortar                                Cut
  • Colorear                            Colour
  • Pegar                                 SticK
  • Listen to the teacher / adult. 
  • Listen to others. 
  • Put your hand up if you want to speak / answer. 
  • We keep our hands / feet to ourselves. 
  • Respect each other. 
  • Respect other people's property. 
  • Use kind words. 
  • Finish our work on time. 
  • Treat people the way you would like to be treated. 
  • Be a good friend to everyone. 
  • Follow directions from others. 
  • Always tell the truth. 
  • Enjoy our learning. 
  • Show manners at all times. 
  • Be polite. 
  • Be on time. 
  • Share with others. 
  • Keep the classroom tidy. 
  • Tidy the classroom when we have finished working. 
  • Line up quietly and smartly. 
  • Take pride in our school. 
  • Always work hard. 
  • Be happy. 
  • Try to make others happy. 
  • Smile! 

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